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Medicina del Rayo

Medicina del Rayo


This very special custom piece features Great Horned Owl feathers and a heart shaped blue apatite stone on the frontside. Blue apatite is a stone of manifestation, personal power, and spiritual growth.  It heals bones, teeth, eyes, and helps with communication, creativity and karmic awareness.  


The handle consists of an antler, which deers shed and regrow every year.  Deers use their antlers as weapons, symbols of sexual prowess, and as tools to dig in the snow for food.  Their spiritual power is immense for those who carry a connection to this medicine.


*All the feathers and animal parts used in the creative process (for all fans) were either found in the wild or responsibly/humanely sourced.  A special ceremony and prayers are held to bless and release the spirit of the animal.  May their medicine be deeply honored and live on through the healing work we do with these sacred tools.

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