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Soul Retrieval

Mend the Soul by Restoring Lost & Fragmented Parts of the Self

1 h 30 min
175 US dollars
Location TBD with client (various options available)

Service Description

The 'soul' is the life energy or immortal essence that inhabits the human body & gives it vitality. When we experience emotional or physical trauma or any event that causes a shock to the system, part of the soul flees from the body in order to survive the experience. Although soul loss is a survival mechanism, the problem from a shamanic point of view is that the soul part that left usually does not come back on its own. Soul Retrieval is a powerful shamanic healing process that helps reclaim lost soul parts, restoring balance and wholeness. It is an ancient practice that helps to bring back vital energy, and helps to heal emotional wounds and trauma. Symptoms of soul loss can include: -Depression, mood swings -Repetition of unhealthy destructive patterns/thoughts -Feeling empty; lack of clear life purpose -Chronic fatigue -Dissociation; feeling disconnected from oneself/others/life -Blocked memories -Addiction; seeking external sources to fill up the empty spaces inside of us whether through substances, food, relationships, work or material objects -Unexplained physical pain Soul retrievals focus on the gifts & strengths being returned to the clients, supporting their ability to create new healthier & joyous life patterns rather than recreating past traumas. It is a beautiful journey of homecoming, remembrance, and integration. ***CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW TO SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATION***

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